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Transcript: Hi friends, It’s Pam. Welcome back to another podcast season. It has been way too long and I am so excited to begin 2022, with some brand-new podcasts. So, thank you for sticking around with me. I want to jump into today’s podcast, which may come as a surprise for some of you who […]

Motherhood can feel isolating. However, Christ calls us into community repeatedly… including motherhood! In this episode I discuss why we need biblical community throughout motherhood and what that looks like. Transcription Pam Bailey [Intro]: Welcome to the Soul Sister Podcast with Pam Bailey. Grab a cup of coffee, sister and let sit and chat about […]

In this season premier, Pam discusses motherhood + imitation. A call from Ephesians 5 to be imitators of Christ, in such a way that our children will imitate. Pam references a study by Lifeway Resources in 2017. The study revealed that the most important predictor of young adults spiritual health was they read or were […]

 It’s the 007 episode and it is fire! Pam chats about one of the most dangerous things we say to each other in the body. Join in the discussion as Pam takes a look at speaking things over people’s lives.  Let’s start with why these statements are dangerous to the body.  In using these […]

  Pam shares 3 tips for what to do in the crazy motherhood moments where you feel out of control and anger seems to get the best of you.  Take a moment with Jesus. This moment needs to happen on a regular basis. I have talked about this in several podcast lately, but you want […]

Join Pam for a chat about Bible reading. She gives practical tips to apply to your time in the Word.  Don’t be random about your reading Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal His word to you Have reflection time about what you just read Transcription Welcome to the Soul Sister Podcast with Pam Bailey. Grab […]

Join Pam as we take a deeper look at Daniel Chapter 6. Daniel is described as a man of “excellent spirit” and “faithful”. This one chapter reveals so much that we can glean from Daniel and apply to our own life.  There are significant things that bloom in our life when we consistently spend time […]

In this podcast episode, Pam takes a look at Daniel as an example of what having a consistent routine in Christ looks like. How can we apply a routine in our relationship with God and not make it legalistic?  Transcription Today, I want to discuss a fun little topic, one that I think that we […]

5 tips for being consistent in your time with god

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