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thoughts from a girl passionate about jesus

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I think the most important thing to remember is that baptism is deeply meaningful. It’s about the heart and the relationship with God, not just the ceremony itself. Baptism is a public declaration of faith and a symbolic act of dying to one’s old life and being raised to new life in Christ (Romans 6:3-4).

Instead of juggling a long list of resolutions, a word of the year provides clarity and simplicity. It becomes a spiritual anchor, a reminder of the area where God is calling you to grow or trust Him more deeply.

dream scrabble tile

If your counsel isn’t encouraging, correcting, and challenging you as a believer, chances are they shouldn’t be in the wise counsel circle.

Following Christ and His word is a life-long sanctification process of growing, trusting, and redeveloping.

It’s day 12 of a 30-day writing challenge. I had no idea when I committed (self-commitment) to doing this challenge that 8 of those days would be so full that it would be nearly impossible to sit and write. A few times I tried, but complete exhaustion had set in and writing just wasn’t there. […]

brown and white bear plush toy

Today has been hard. I woke up with text messages from two soul sisters who were hurting. I quickly adjusted my sails after I got the boys up and ready for school. Two completely different sisters, with completely different live situations, both needing a friend. I cried and prayed with one of them. I gave […]

lighted bonfire photography

Day 1 of the November writing challenge I found to be incredibly difficult. In complete transparency, I wrote the intro to the blog: say the quiet part out loud, then typed “Ummm. No thanks”.  It sat on my computer screen for 2 days staring at me. For the most part, I’m an open book. Except […]

brown wooden bench with brown dried leaves

Sometimes I live under a rock. I am utterly oblivious to what is going on in the world or popular at the moment. For example, I had no idea that a popular Christian song, “Plead the Blood” was released in May 2023. Honestly, I was wondering why I was hearing so many people say the […]

grayscale photo of crucifix

Hi everyone! In this video, I am discussing how to find an accountability partner. They can be immensely helpful in deepening your relationship with God, while also giving you a sense of accountability and support. I’ll talk about practical tips on how to find an accountability partner, as well as ways to make the most […]

In this episode, I share 2 tips for keeping the Sabbath. This comes from a Dear Pam subscriber who wrote, “How can we totally rest and respect the sabbath day with so many activities and chores that need to be taken care of?” Listen/Watch here: To dive deeper into this subject, be sure to download […]

5 tips for being consistent in your time with god

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