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thoughts from a girl passionate about jesus

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I have started a November writing challenge with Locust and Honey.

Before we publicly name anyone, we need an understanding of what false teachers/teaching really is. Jesus and many of the apostles warned against false teachers. He said they would come in sheep’s clothing, but be “ravenous wolves”. That’s pretty strong imagery and a warning from Christ

anonymous woman using laptop in bedroom

Sometimes I live under a rock. I am utterly oblivious to what is going on in the world or popular at the moment. For example, I had no idea that a popular Christian song, “Plead the Blood” was released in May 2023. Honestly, I was wondering why I was hearing so many people say the […]

grayscale photo of crucifix

Hi everyone! In this video, I am discussing how to find an accountability partner. They can be immensely helpful in deepening your relationship with God, while also giving you a sense of accountability and support. I’ll talk about practical tips on how to find an accountability partner, as well as ways to make the most […]

In this episode, I share 2 tips for keeping the Sabbath. This comes from a Dear Pam subscriber who wrote, “How can we totally rest and respect the sabbath day with so many activities and chores that need to be taken care of?” Listen/Watch here: To dive deeper into this subject, be sure to download […]

I recently had an epiphany. It was almost instantaneous after a friend sent me a guest blog post I had written in 2015. I remember being asked to guest blog for a friend, but had no memory of what I had written. Writing has been something that has pulled at me since I was a […]

Transcript: Hi friends, It’s Pam. Welcome back to another podcast season. It has been way too long and I am so excited to begin 2022, with some brand-new podcasts. So, thank you for sticking around with me. I want to jump into today’s podcast, which may come as a surprise for some of you who […]

Pam invites special guest and bestie, Cassie Littel, for an authentic conversation about motherhood. The two Soul Sisters chat about being a stay-at-home mom, working mom, taking care of your home, and a random mention of the 1950s. While neither have an answer for anything in particular, they both agreed that spending time with Jesus […]

wood bed table room

Pam invites special guest, Madison Webb from Anchor Family Therapy in Wilson, NC to differentiate between the baby blues and postpartum mood disorders. Madison shares a clinical description of how the two are different and how the therapeutic process can help mothers of newborns. This episode is rich in conversation between Pam and Madison about […]

happy young woman playing ukulele for daughter at home

TRIGGER WARNING!  This episode shares a story of grief and loss. Pam has a discussion with her friend, Lydia. Mother of two, Lydia, experienced the unthinkable over a year ago when she tragically lost her 3 month old to SIDS. In this podcast, Lydia shares her story, and reflects on finding God’s peace while experiencing […]

person holding baby s hand

5 tips for being consistent in your time with god

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