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thoughts from a girl passionate about jesus

browse around

“Does Satan know your thoughts? Discover 4 key truths about the enemy, his limitations, and how he operates. Learn how to resist his schemes with biblical wisdom and stand firm in God’s truth.

question marks on paper crafts

Instead of juggling a long list of resolutions, a word of the year provides clarity and simplicity. It becomes a spiritual anchor, a reminder of the area where God is calling you to grow or trust Him more deeply.

dream scrabble tile

If your counsel isn’t encouraging, correcting, and challenging you as a believer, chances are they shouldn’t be in the wise counsel circle.

Following Christ and His word is a life-long sanctification process of growing, trusting, and redeveloping.

I can’t believe the Christmas shopping season is here! I get questions ALL THE TIME about Bibles, devotionals, and commentaries. Below are a few of my favorites. These are all affiliate links! Bibles These are my top 2 Bibles that I use daily. If you know me, you know I am a HUGE ESV fan. […]

brown gift box

Jesus, redeemer Sometimes my sin overwhelms Forgive me, lead me Day 13 of a 30-day writing prompt challenge from Locust and Honey. We are using prompts found here. Join us and use the hashtag #goodnessgrounded so we can find your offerings.

scrabble tiles on pink surface

It’s day 12 of a 30-day writing challenge. I had no idea when I committed (self-commitment) to doing this challenge that 8 of those days would be so full that it would be nearly impossible to sit and write. A few times I tried, but complete exhaustion had set in and writing just wasn’t there. […]

brown and white bear plush toy

Today has been hard. I woke up with text messages from two soul sisters who were hurting. I quickly adjusted my sails after I got the boys up and ready for school. Two completely different sisters, with completely different live situations, both needing a friend. I cried and prayed with one of them. I gave […]

lighted bonfire photography

One of my favorite childhood memories is climbing the low-hanging evergreen trees in my grandparent’s backyard. The branches were strong and sturdy. They started low at the ground and went up for what felt like forever. You could easily climb high into the tree and never realize it until you stopped and looked down. Sometimes […]

Day 1 of the November writing challenge I found to be incredibly difficult. In complete transparency, I wrote the intro to the blog: say the quiet part out loud, then typed “Ummm. No thanks”.  It sat on my computer screen for 2 days staring at me. For the most part, I’m an open book. Except […]

brown wooden bench with brown dried leaves

5 tips for being consistent in your time with god

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