Today has been hard. I woke up with text messages from two soul sisters who were hurting. I quickly adjusted my sails after I got the boys up and ready for school. Two completely different sisters, with completely different live situations, both needing a friend. I cried and prayed with one of them. I gave […]
Day 1 of the November writing challenge I found to be incredibly difficult. In complete transparency, I wrote the intro to the blog: say the quiet part out loud, then typed “Ummm. No thanks”. It sat on my computer screen for 2 days staring at me. For the most part, I’m an open book. Except […]
Before we publicly name anyone, we need an understanding of what false teachers/teaching really is. Jesus and many of the apostles warned against false teachers. He said they would come in sheep’s clothing, but be “ravenous wolves”. That’s pretty strong imagery and a warning from Christ
Sometimes I live under a rock. I am utterly oblivious to what is going on in the world or popular at the moment. For example, I had no idea that a popular Christian song, “Plead the Blood” was released in May 2023. Honestly, I was wondering why I was hearing so many people say the […]
I recently had an epiphany. It was almost instantaneous after a friend sent me a guest blog post I had written in 2015. I remember being asked to guest blog for a friend, but had no memory of what I had written. Writing has been something that has pulled at me since I was a […]
Transcript: Hi friends, It’s Pam. Welcome back to another podcast season. It has been way too long and I am so excited to begin 2022, with some brand-new podcasts. So, thank you for sticking around with me. I want to jump into today’s podcast, which may come as a surprise for some of you who […]
Motherhood can feel isolating. However, Christ calls us into community repeatedly… including motherhood! In this episode I discuss why we need biblical community throughout motherhood and what that looks like. Transcription Pam Bailey [Intro]: Welcome to the Soul Sister Podcast with Pam Bailey. Grab a cup of coffee, sister and let sit and chat about […]
In this season premier, Pam discusses motherhood + imitation. A call from Ephesians 5 to be imitators of Christ, in such a way that our children will imitate. Pam references a study by Lifeway Resources in 2017. The study revealed that the most important predictor of young adults spiritual health was they read or were […]
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