November 18, 2023

I can’t believe the Christmas shopping season is here! I get questions ALL THE TIME about Bibles, devotionals, and commentaries. Below are a few of my favorites. These are all affiliate links! Bibles These are my top 2 Bibles that I use daily. If you know me, you know I am a HUGE ESV fan. […]

brown gift box

November 3, 2023

Today has been hard. I woke up with text messages from two soul sisters who were hurting. I quickly adjusted my sails after I got the boys up and ready for school. Two completely different sisters, with completely different live situations, both needing a friend. I cried and prayed with one of them. I gave […]

lighted bonfire photography

July 28, 2023

Before we publicly name anyone, we need an understanding of what false teachers/teaching really is. Jesus and many of the apostles warned against false teachers. He said they would come in sheep’s clothing, but be “ravenous wolves”. That’s pretty strong imagery and a warning from Christ

anonymous woman using laptop in bedroom

July 20, 2023

Sometimes I live under a rock. I am utterly oblivious to what is going on in the world or popular at the moment. For example, I had no idea that a popular Christian song, “Plead the Blood” was released in May 2023. Honestly, I was wondering why I was hearing so many people say the […]

grayscale photo of crucifix


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BASED IN north carolina, 

Pam Bailey

bible teacher + mentor

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