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thoughts from a girl passionate about jesus

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Spend 40 days preparing your heart for Easter. Study Jesus’ last week on earth through all four gospels. Study begins on Ash Wednesday and ends the Saturday before Easter (no Sunday readings).

Journey through the book of Colossians for 30 days reflecting on God’s goodness and gratitude. Includes additional pages of journaling sheets to continue gratitude after reading through Colossians.

Isaiah 9:6 celebrates the birth of Christ as the promised Savior, describing Him as a Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace—a message of hope and divine guidance that brings comfort during the Christmas season.

The journal is a 2-page spread with ACTS prayer blocks on one side and a dot-grid journal on the facing side. 185 pages total.

This journal offers guidance in taking thorough notes that will help review later. Featuring a 2-page spread, totaling 52 sermons.

5 tips for being consistent in your time with god

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